Do you Believe in Luck?

Do you believe you are a lucky or an unlucky person? Do you look at some people and think they have all the good luck in the world?  If you don’t consider yourself “one of the lucky”, would you like to be?  Most would agree that it’s better to be lucky than unlucky.  The other […]

Two Surefire Ways to Improve Your Relationship

Even the best relationships can sometimes experience difficulties and lows as we all go through our normal ups and downs.  These can be short-lived or they can last longer.  I have found a way to shorten these relationship strains that I have used in my own relationship with my husband.  This can even be used […]

Yoga—Is It For You??

The first time I took a yoga class nearly 15 years ago was while visiting at a timeshare in Utah, and I had talked my Mom into going with me.  I said, “It will be fun!  It’s supposed to be a good stretching exercise!”  I was in my mid-forties so my Mom was in her […]