About Beach Yoga Barbie

Barbie at South Beach Grill on Gasparilla Island, Florida

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Hello friendly people! My name is Barbie and I love to practice beach yoga on Englewood Beach, Florida – hence my nickname: “Beach Yoga Barbie”.  I am married and we currently have a houseful of 5 pets:  4 dogs and 1 cat.  (Wow, I actually put that down in writing!)  I volunteer for Low Rider Dachshund Rescue of Florida (fostering and finding homes for rescued dachshunds—Yes, one of those rescued dachshunds ended up being adopted into our pack—no more fostering for me currently… I will not become one of those dog hoarders you see on “reality TV”!)

I love to garden and I am enjoying growing the tropical fruits that Florida allows!  Much different than gardening in my previous-gardening-life in Northern Idaho.

I have a B.S. degree in Psychology, but did not follow that career path; however, I have always been very interested in topics that covered mental health and wellness, mindset, thoughts, personality, depression, anxiety, social relationships, and family dynamics.  I feel emotions and energy very deeply and would be considered an “empath.”  (A later article will go further into what an empath is.)  People seem to easily open up to me and “tell me their whole-life stories.” Peoples’ life stories are very fascinating and intriguing to me.

I am in my 6th decade of life and I have learned how to thrive after some pretty challenging life situations myself. I have learned some hard lessons that I hope I don’t have to navigate through to learn again!  But if I do, hopefully, what I’ve learned previously will help me get through it more smoothly.  I have learned to look back at the lessons in those difficult situations and have always tried to pick out and focus on the positive aspects.  Using my sense of humor has helped me look at some of those difficulties and find some ridiculously funny instances which have helped tremendously.  It took me a long time to learn how to do just that, and I would like to share some tools with you to help you through your own journey.  

My hope is to help share with you how you can have a happy, successful life even after major life turmoil or change. No one manages to make it to the end of their life without facing challenges and difficulties.  Learning that others have faced similar challenges and made it through to go on to thrive has been comforting to me.

If you are currently going through a difficult situation, I hope to help you navigate through with a mindset that will be more useful and helpful.  I’ve found certain tools that I can share with you that could greatly benefit your mindset and your overall wellness.  I’d like to see as many people as possible live life enthusiastically their way and find their path to being grateful, content, thriving and happy.  

If more people are content, happy and thriving, the entire world is a better place!

Live every day as if it is your LAST chance to make someone happy!

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” -Lord Byron