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Yoga—Is It For You??

Inhale Courage Exhale Fear — BREATHE

The first time I took a yoga class nearly 15 years ago was while visiting at a timeshare in Utah, and I had talked my Mom into going with me.  I said, “It will be fun!  It’s supposed to be a good stretching exercise!”  I was in my mid-forties so my Mom was in her mid-seventies.  My Mom was an avid gardener, so she regularly did a lot of stretching while gardening.  I thought I was in fairly good shape since I had a regular walking routine (walking my two dachshunds around my neighborhood).  I thought this was going to be a somewhat “easy” exercise.  Needless to say, this “easy” yoga class was NOT so easy!

I was sweating and hoping that it would end soon.  My poor Mom got dizzy and had to stop and just lie down on the mat.

About 3 years later when a new friend in my neighborhood told me about a new beach yoga class that had just started up at a beach near us and invited me to go along with her, I hesitated.  My memory went back to that first yoga class that was harder than I really expected.  You see, I don’t really enjoy sweating (unless I’m working hard at landscaping and designing my own yard).  I know that regular exercise is really good for my body and mind; however, I don’t really like to do it unless it is fun and not too strenuous!

Wanting to meet some additional friendly people, I decided to go with my friend to this new beach yoga class.  I found that I truly enjoyed it!!  It was nothing like that first “hard” yoga class that I had taken 15 years ago.  Number one, being on this Gulf Coast beach in the springtime listening to the waves and the birds was totally different than being inside in a yoga studio!  I found that my favorite part of beach yoga was BEING ON THE BEACH… (along with the part at the end called “Shavasana” which is the rest-and-relaxation-now-ready-for-a-nap-part!!)  Number two, I met some really nice, friendly, and interesting people, and we could laugh at ourselves as we messed up or fell over trying to do the yoga poses.  No one was going to give us a “look” for laughing out loud at the beach!  I found out that my laugh is contagious… in a GOOD way!!  Other women who liked to laugh and feel happy were drawn to me.  I really enjoyed having something so simple as a smile and a laugh being such a positive influence on others.

This year will be the 12th year that I have been participating in beach yoga.  Our yoga instructor has grown this great start-up idea of hers from about half-a-dozen-hard-core-sweating-in-the-heat-of-the-Florida-summer-cooling-off-in-the-ocean-afterwards-mish-mash-of-personalities to sometimes over 400 participants in the height of the tourist season!!

“Beach Yoga Barbie” is actually in this photo — Englewood Beach, Florida

As my beach yoga instructor says, “Over the years we have seen so many people from all over the world. All ages, sizes, abilities and genders.”

“Many have made new friends, some new loves, others that were new to yoga have gone home and explored yoga places in their area so they could continue their yoga practice. Some have been inspired to become certified yoga instructors so they can continue to share the wonderful gifts of yoga.”

“We have been told many stories of healing through beach yoga, healing from trauma, injury, loss of a loved one, a healing of the heart.  We are so honored and blessed to be able to provide these healing of the heart yoga classes in the beauty and peace of nature on the Gulf of Mexico.”

“We have all had our challenges over the years on our lovely beach.  Cold winds, high tides, HOT summer sun, beach erosion, and red tide, but we keep going and flow with the tides of nature and of life.”

There are different styles and levels of yoga.  Yoga has benefitted both my body and my mind.  I have learned calming and relaxing exercises along with energizing, balancing and stretching exercises.  If you have never tried a yoga class, try it! However, I highly recommend Beach yoga if you are near a beach yoga class!!

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